As most of you know, I will be headed to Yendi, Ghana in August to teach for a year. How did this all come about? Four and a half years ago, Charlie (my son and I) went to Ghana to visit the family I sponsor through World Vision. I fell in love with the people there and saw a real need to help them help themselves out of poverty. Ghanaians are very proud of their country and how far they have come and they are working hard at providing opportunities for their children. I felt then that God was calling me to be a part of something bigger, and that I would someday come back.
Through a very round about way, a friend of my sister in Missouri heard a speaker at another church tell about the Ghana Baptist Convention and the work that is going on there. I contacted on pastor and then another and happened to talk to one who was expecting Emmanuel Mustpha, who works for the Ghana Baptist Convention, to arrive for a visit soon. When I talked to "Muss" he informed me he was starting a school there in Yendi. It would be a Christian school in a community that is about half Muslim. It would have a library and computers. His dream at the time was that it would eventually go through the 12th grade and that graduates would be able to attend a university in the US. I was able to meet Muss a few months later in St. Louis. At that time he had found a building, provided my a Muslim man who wanted a top quality school in Yendi. It is a very nice school building with several classrooms. There are, at the time of this writing, 70 students, a large library, computers enough for all students in a class to have access, and they are serving two meals a day. Several students are on scholarships and they hope to expand to middle school next year.
More exciting than the school is the work that God is doing in this area. 2000 are awaiting baptism, 200 churches have been started with a goal of 400 by 2010 and 300 are now is leadership training. Imagine not having the time to baptize all the new believers!
So, I ramble on, but it is exciting. I purchased my tickets and will be leaving Portland on August 12. I know that I have a house provided, and that it will have electricity and water. I have been assured by "Muss" that it will be a comfortable accommodation. Other than that, I will be on my own for food and travel, including tickets there and back (and home for Christmas). Some have asked how you can help support me. Lots of prayer will be the most important! If you wish to contribute financially you can contact me, or send a check (after Aug. 12 c/o Gary) to 27548 6th st. Junction City, OR 97448. Help is appreciated,as due to "budget crunches" I was not able to get a sabbatical from school, although I have saved and I know God will provide.
I will update this often and include pictures of the school and the area. Please continue to pray not only for me, but for the work going on there also. God's good news is spreading like a wild fire!
Love to all, Brenda