Saturday, April 25, 2009

News from Yendi

Well, it is less than 4 months till I leave for Ghana, Africa. It is getting very exciting and a little scary. It has been fun trying to guess what I will need and how much of everything I should take. It must be a fun game for everyone because those questions come up often. I do know that I will have a house and one or two roomates. That will be nice. One thing I was worried about was the loneliness ...and cooking. Hopefully the roomates will have experience cooking in Africa.
Here are a few pictures of the school. It is still growing. They are hoping to start a junior high next year. I saw many schools in Ghana and this is a very nice school with a library, computers, playground and lunch program. The people in the area are excited about having a module Christian school with high educational standards. Most schools in Ghana, especially rural Ghana, consist of one large room with a chalkboard in front. "Muss", the man who started the school, wants the students to be able to attend an American university, if they desire, when they graduate from high school (which he will add soon). As a teacher I believe that education is the most important way out of poverty and that to educate the children of countries like Ghana is a sure way to change a country for the better. From my previous visit, I have fallen in love with these people. Their personalities are so outgoing and friendly, with great humor! And they are a beautiful people. I hope to include many more pictures on this blog so you all can see to just how beautiful and happy they are.